

单词 depell
释义 deˈpel, depell, v. Obs.
[ad. L. dēpell-ĕre to drive out, cast down, f. de- I. 1, 2 + pellĕre to drive.]
trans. To drive away, dispel, expel.
1533Coverdale Treat. Lord's Supper Wks. 1844 I. 449 Who ought to be admitted, and who to be depelled.1568E. Tylney Flower of Friendship, All evill suspicions depelled, angers avoided.1664Power Exp. Philos. ii. 114 Water by its weight onely, and no innate Elatery, did depel the Succumbent Quicksilver in the Tube.1788Trifler No. 24. 324 The application..will infallibly depell all his ills.
Hence deˈpelling vbl. n.; also deˈpeller, one who or that which drives away; a dispeller.
1597Middleton Wisd. Solomon Par. vi. H ij a, The very thought of her is mischiefes barre, Depeller of misdeeds.1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 51 To the depelling of our distempers.




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