

单词 sticker
释义 I. sticker1|ˈstɪkə(r)|
[f. stick v.1 + -er.]
One who or that which sticks, in the senses of the verb.
1. One who sticks or stabs, esp. one who kills swine by sticking.
a1585Polwart Flyting w. Montgomerie 787 Tyk stickar.1833Hood Sk. Road, Sudden Death Wks. 1870 II. 248 Master Bardell the pig-butcher, and his foreman Samuel Slark, or, as he was more commonly called, Sam the Sticker.1881Ingersoll Oyster-Industr. (Hist. Fish. Industr. U.S.) 249 Sticker, an oyster-opener who rests the oyster against the bench while he thrusts the knife between the valves.
2. A weapon used for piercing or stabbing as distinguished from cutting or slashing; esp. a sticking-knife, a fishing spear, an angler's gaff. Chiefly colloq.
1896Baring-Gould Dartmoor Idylls viii. 188 Go and ax the butcher to lend you his sticker.1899R. Whiteing No. 5 John St. iv, There warn't no time to square up to 'im when I see the sticker [pocket knife] in 'is 'and.1901Munsey's Mag. XXIV. 442/2 Swords or knives can be divided into two classes, the hackers and the stickers.
3. a. One who or something which adheres or remains attached; one who remains constant; one who persists in a task. Const. to, unto.
1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 133 Motion or going on by steps, is such a sticker unto body, that it can no more belong to Ghost, than thinking can to that.1824in Spirit Publ. Jrnls. (1825) 516 When wed she'll change, for Love's no sticker, And love her husband less than liquor?a1849H. Coleridge Ess. (1851) II. 75 The same class of fastidious wits who in France became Zoilists, in England were the stoutest stickers to Homer.1869M. Arnold Cult. & Anarchy Pref. 55 For we are fond stickers to no machinery, not even our own.1895Westm. Gaz. 30 Apr. 6/1 Experience proves that these are the best ‘stickers’, as, knowing the difficulties, they do not expect to strike gold immediately, but are content to search for the metal.1916Anzac Bk. 130 He was no ‘sticker’, and in the third year of his medical course he had side-tracked himself.1967C. Fremlin Prisoner's Base xii. 84 Daphne did not believe in dropping things; she was, as she would have told you, a Sticker.1979N. Hynd False Flags viii. 71 Bobby wasn't any quitter. He was a sticker.
b. A commodity which does not find a ready sale. Also transf. (see quot. 1887). colloq.
1824Dibdin Libr. Comp. 573, I fear it [the book] will be a sticker.1887G. R. Sims Mary Jane's Mem. x. 128 Stickers are servants that the [registry] office finds it hard to get places for.
c. Sporting. A horse or a person with good staying power; a stayer.
1860G. J. Whyte-Melville Mkt. Harb. 18 He's too fast for us..Only, to be sure, we have a vast of plough hereabout, and I never see such a sticker through dirt.1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Colonial Reformer x, You've got..an out-and-out good hack... I'll forfeit my month's wages if he ain't a sticker, as well.
d. Cricket. A batsman who scores slowly and is hard to get out. colloq.
1832P. Egan Bk. Sports xxii. 344/2 At the bat and the bottle they find him a sticker.1855F. Lillywhite Guide to Cricketers 56 A ‘sticker’ with ‘confidence’ was all that was required, to have turned the ‘tide’ in their favour.1903W. J. Ford in Cricket (ed. Hutchinson) vi. 190 Louis Hall (the pioneer of stickers).1977Times 12 July 10/1 When Chappell was adding 55 with O'Keeffe, who is well known as a sticker, there were visions of England having to make 175, perhaps 200, today.
e. A person who stays too long on a visit.
1903Farmer Slang, Sticker, 4 (colloquial), a lingering guest.
f. U.S. colloq. A thorn or bur.
1889H. H. McConnell Five Years a Cavalryman iv. 35 The leaves when submitted to the action of fire in order to burn off the sharp stickers, are used as food for cattle.1898G. F. Atherton Californians 231 Trennahan..plucked the ‘stickers’ from his trousers.1899M. Going Field, Forest, & Wayside Flowers 350 When the ‘stickers’ are at last picked or rubbed off, they fall to the ground.1945B. MacDonald Egg & I (1946) iii. viii. 94 My hair and shoulders were full of twigs and stickers.
4. Something which causes a person to stick or to be at a nonplus; a poser. colloq.
1849Thackeray Pendennis xxv, That's what I call a sticker for Wagg.1903Farmer Slang, Sticker, a pointed question, an apt and startling comment or rejoinder, an embarrassing situation.
5. a. orig. U.S. An adhesive label: spec. (a) = paster 2; (b) a small adhesive notice designed to be stuck in a conspicuous place and used to publicize a cause, commodity, or place. Also attrib. in sticker price N. Amer., the advertised price (of a commodity).
1872Schele de Vere Americanisms 270. 1888 [see paster 2].1888C. A. Knight in Voice (N.Y.) July 5 Quotations..printed on one side of little slips of paper..to be gummed and used as ‘stickers’..on newspaper wrappers, [etc.].1919Nation (N.Y.) 117/2 Defendants..had printed millions of seditious ‘stickers’.1934J. M. Cain Postman always rings Twice ii. 13 About three o'clock a guy came along that was all burned up because somebody had pasted a sticker on his wind wing. I had to go in the kitchen to steam it off for him.1943K. Tennant Ride on Stranger xvii. 185 Plastering it [sc. a vessel] with stickers demanding the guest's release.1955W. Gaddis Recognitions i. v. 192, I left all my luggage there covered with the most adorable stickers from everywhere, my dears, every chic hotel you ever heard of.1959Listener 21 May 884/1 An English ‘sticker’ about Nuclear Disarmament on the door of..the students' canteen.1962E. Godfrey Retail Selling & Organ. ix. 91 Special delivery instructions..should be written clearly..on a special sticker attached to the despatch docket.1967[see bumper n.1 5 c].1970Globe & Mail (Toronto) 25 Sept. b4/7 The company said the sticker or suggested retail prices, which include federal excise taxes..are up an average of {pstlg}136.1976J. I. M. Stewart Memorial Service xvi. 273 His magazine's supposed to be coming out tomorrow. Have you seen the stickers for it?
b. A postage stamp. Criminals' slang.
1904No. 1500’ Life in Sing Sing 253/1 Stickers, postage stamps.1926J. Black You can't Win ix. 107 You're a cinch to get some coin and a bundle of stickers out of every ‘P.O.’ You can peddle the stamps anywhere.
6. a. Organ-building. (See quot. 1884.)
1845G. Dodd Brit. Manuf. IV. 160 The ‘under-hammer’ [acts] on the ‘sticker’.1884Encycl. Brit. XVII. 834 [Organ.] The connexion between the keys and their pallets is made by various mechanisms... Where pressure has to be transmitted instead of a pull, thin but broad slips of wood are used, having pins stuck into their ends to keep them in their places. These are stickers.
b. In the pianoforte: = mopstick 2. Also attrib.
1870[see mopstick 2].1885Lock Workshop Rec. Ser. iv. 281/2 To repair a broken sticker hinge, unscrew the button [etc.].1908Times 19 Feb. 14/4 The first improvement..was in the sticker action.
7. (See quot.) Cf. stick v.1 18 c.
1909N. Hawkins' Mech. Dict., Sticker, a wood working machine, used on articles of small cross sectional area, such as picture frame moulding, etc.
8. sticker up: One who ‘sticks up’ for something. colloq.
1857Borrow Romany Rye App. v, Ah! but some sticker-up for gentility will exclaim, ‘The hero did not refuse’ [etc.].
9. sticker-up. Australian.
a. A bush method of cooking meat by spitting it and setting it to roast. Also attrib.
1830Hobart Town Almanack 112 Steaks..which he cooked in the mode called in colonial phrase a sticker up.1852L. A. Meredith My Home Tasmania I. iv. 54 Here I was first initiated into the bush art of ‘sticker-up’ cookery.
b. A bushranger.
1879W. J. Barry Up & Down xx. 197 They..were the stickers-up, or highwaymen, mentioned by me before.
Hence ˈsticker v. trans., to affix a sticker (sense 5 a) to; ˈstickered ppl. a.; ˈstickering vbl. n.
1972Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 3 Feb. 48/8 The system started in 1963 in Monterey Park, Calif., where 5,000 stickered homes had been broken into only 19 times and about 6,000 non-marked homes suffered more than 2,000 burglaries.1976Publishers Weekly 29 Mar. 41/1 The titles are produced by Dent in London. Dutton warehouses its inventory in this country and the titles are stickered for the U.S. market here.1977Periodical XL. 196 Nothing vexes me more than to go into a bookshop and find not just one price sticker on the book jacket, increasing the price, but sometimes two or more... The stickering is a burdensome business.

sticker shock n. colloq. (orig. and chiefly U.S.) shock or dismay experienced by a potential buyer of a product on discovering its high or increased price (originally, as marked on the price sticker for a car).
1981Industry Week 23 Mar. 54 The current round of rebates is not expected to help 1981 balance sheets at all. But the industry has no other viable choice to counter ‘*sticker shock’.1995Denver Post 5 Mar. h1/4 Another FHP customer struck by health insurance sticker shock when she learned monthly payments were due to climb.2000B. Gamble Black Sheep One v. 87 The tailors charged what the market would bear, allowing cadets to purchase everything on credit to soften the sticker shock.
II. sticker2|ˈstɪkə(r)|
[f. stick n.1 or v.2 + -er.]
One who gathers sticks for firewood.
From a misreading of quot. 1422, Cowel, followed by Todd and later Dicts., has a spurious word stickler.
1422Rolls of Parlt. IV. 179/1 Un Homme appellee Stikker, coillant chescun jour Bois, deins mesmes le Park.1821Clare Vill. Minstr. II. 24 The ragged plundering stickers have been there, And pilfer'd it [a wattled arbour] away.




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