单词 | tip |
释义 | tip 1. n. & v. --n   1. an extremity or end, esp. of a small or tapering thing (tips of the fingers).   2. a small piece or part attached to the end of a thing, e.g. a ferrule on a stick.   3. a leaf-bud of tea. --vtr. (tipped, tipping)   1. provide with a tip.   2. tr. (foll. by in) attach (a loose sheet) to a page at the inside edge. Phrases and idioms on the tip of one's tongue about to be said, esp. after difficulty in recalling to mind. the tip of the iceberg a small evident part of something much larger or more significant. Derivatives tipless adj. tippy adj. (in sense 3). Etymology: ME f. ON typpi (n.), typpa (v.), typptr tipped f. Gmc (rel. to TOP(1)): prob. reinforced by MDu. & MLG tip 2. v. & n. --v (tipped, tipping)   1. a intr. lean or slant. b tr. cause to do this.   2. tr. (foll. by into etc.) a overturn or cause to overbalance (was tipped into the pond). b discharge the contents of (a container etc.) in this way. --n   1. a a slight push or tilt. b a light stroke, esp. in baseball.   2. Brit. a place where material (esp. refuse) is tipped. Phrases and idioms tip the balance make the critical difference. tip the scales see SCALE(2). tip-up able to be tipped, e.g. of a seat in a theatre to allow passage past. Etymology: 17th c.: orig. uncert. 3. v. & n. --v (tipped, tipping) (often foll. by over, up)   1. tr. make a small present of money to, esp. for a service given (have you tipped the porter?).   2. tr. name as the likely winner of a race or contest etc.   3. tr. strike or touch lightly.   4. tr. sl. give, hand, pass (esp. in tip the wink below). --n   1. a small money present, esp. for a service given.   2. a piece of private or special information, esp. regarding betting or investment.   3. a small or casual piece of advice. Phrases and idioms tip off   1. give (a person) a hint or piece of special information or warning, esp. discreetly or confidentially.   2. Basketball start play by throwing the ball up between two opponents. tip-off a hint or warning etc. given discreetly or confidentially. tip a person the wink give a person private information. Derivatives tipper n. Etymology: ME: orig. uncert. |
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