

单词 bargain
释义 bargain
n. & v.
  1. a an agreement on the terms of a transaction or sale. b this seen from the buyer's viewpoint (a bad bargain).
  2. something acquired or offered cheaply.
--vintr. (often foll. by with, for) discuss the terms of a transaction (expected him to bargain, but he paid up; bargained with her; bargained for the table).
Phrases and idioms
bargain away part with for something worthless (had bargained away the estate). bargain basement the basement of a shop where bargains are displayed. bargain for (or colloq. on) (usu. with neg. actual or implied) be prepared for; expect (didn't bargain for bad weather; more than I bargained for). bargain on rely on. drive a hard bargain pursue one's own profit in a transaction keenly. into (US in) the bargain moreover; in addition to what was expected. make (or strike) a bargain agree a transaction.
bargainer n.
Etymology: ME f. OF bargaine, bargaignier, prob. f. Gmc




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