

单词 bank
释义 bank
n. & v.
  1. a the sloping edge of land by a river. b the area of ground alongside a river (had a picnic on the bank).
  2. a raised shelf of ground; a slope.
  3. an elevation in the sea or a river bed.
  4. the artificial slope of a road etc., enabling vehicles to maintain speed round a curve.
  5. a mass of cloud, fog, snow, etc.
  6. the edge of a hollow place (e.g. the top of a mine-shaft).
  1. tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) heap or rise into banks.
  2. tr. heap up (a fire) tightly so that it burns slowly.
  3. a intr. (of a vehicle or aircraft or its occupant) travel with one side higher than the other in rounding a curve. b tr. cause (a vehicle or aircraft) to do this.
  4. tr. contain or confine within a bank or banks.
  5. tr. build (a road etc.) higher at the outer edge of a bend to enable fast cornering.
Etymology: ME f. Gmc f. ON banki (unrecorded: cf. OIcel. bakki): rel. to BENCH
n. & v.
  1. a a financial establishment which uses money deposited by customers for investment, pays it out when required, makes loans at interest, exchanges currency, etc. b a building in which this business takes place.
  2. = piggy bank.
  3. a the money or tokens held by the banker in some gambling games. b the banker in such games.
  4. a place for storing anything for future use (blood bank; data bank).
  1. tr. deposit (money or valuables) in a bank.
  2. intr. engage in business as a banker.
  3. intr. (often foll. by at, with) keep money (at a bank).
  4. intr. act as banker in some gambling games.
Phrases and idioms
bank balance the amount of money held in a bank account at a given moment. bank-bill
  1. Brit. a bill drawn by one bank on another.
  2. US = BANKNOTE. bank-book = PASSBOOK. bank card = cheque card. bank holiday a day on which banks are officially closed, (in the UK) usu. kept as a public holiday. bank manager a person in charge of a local branch of a bank. the Bank of England the central bank of England and Wales, issuing banknotes and having the Government as its main customer. bank on rely on (I'm banking on your help). bank statement a printed statement of transactions and balance issued periodically to the holder of a bank account.
Etymology: F banque or It. banca f. med.L banca, bancus, f. Gmc: rel. to BANK(1)
  1. a row of similar objects, esp. of keys, lights, or switches.
  2. a tier of oars.
Etymology: ME f. OF banc f. Gmc: rel. to BANK(1), BENCH




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