

单词 crash
释义 crash
v., n., & adv.
  1. intr. & tr. make or cause to make a loud smashing noise (the cymbals crashed; crashed the plates together).
  2. tr. & intr. throw, drive, move, or fall with a loud smashing noise.
  3. intr. & tr. a collide or cause (a vehicle) to collide violently with another vehicle, obstacle, etc.; overturn at high speed. b fall or cause (an aircraft) to fall violently on to the land or the sea (crashed the plane; the airman crashed into the sea).
  4. intr. (usu. foll. by into) collide violently (crashed into the window).
  5. intr. undergo financial ruin.
  6. tr. colloq. enter without permission (crashed the cocktail party).
  7. intr. colloq. be heavily defeated (crashed to a 4-0 defeat).
  8. intr. Computing (of a machine or system) fail suddenly.
  9. tr. colloq. pass (a red traffic-light etc.).
  10. intr. (often foll. by out) sl. sleep for a night, esp. in an improvised setting.
  1. a a loud and sudden smashing noise (a thunder crash; the crash of crockery). b a breakage (esp. of crockery, glass, etc.).
  2. a a violent collision, esp. of one vehicle with another or with an object. b the violent fall of an aircraft on to the land or sea.
  3. ruin, esp. financial.
  4. Computing a sudden failure which puts a system out of action.
  5. (attrib.) done rapidly or urgently (a crash course in first aid).
--adv with a crash (the window went crash).
Phrases and idioms
crash barrier a barrier intended to prevent a car from leaving the road etc. crash-dive
  1. intr. a (of a submarine or its pilot) dive hastily and steeply in an emergency. b (of an aircraft or airman) dive and crash.
  2. tr. cause to crash-dive.
--n such a dive. crash-halt a sudden stop by a vehicle. crash-helmet a helmet worn esp. by a motorcyclist to protect the head in a crash. crash-land
  1. intr. (of an aircraft or airman) land hurriedly with a crash, usu. without lowering the undercarriage.
  2. tr. cause (an aircraft) to crash-land. crash landing a hurried landing with a crash. crash pad sl. a place to sleep, esp. in an emergency. crash-stop = crash-halt. crash-tackle Football a vigorous tackle.
Etymology: ME: imit.
n. a coarse plain linen, cotton, etc., fabric.
Etymology: Russ. krashenina coloured linen




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