

单词 smack
释义 smack
n., v., & adv.
  1. a sharp slap or blow esp. with the palm of the hand or a flat object.
  2. a hard hit at cricket etc.
  3. a loud kiss (gave her a hearty smack).
  4. a loud sharp sound (heard the smack as it hit the floor).
  1. tr. strike with the open hand etc.
  2. tr. part (one's lips) noisily in eager anticipation or enjoyment of food or another delight.
  3. tr. crack (a whip).
  4. tr. & intr. move, hit, etc., with a smack.
--adv colloq.
  1. with a smack.
  2. suddenly; directly; violently (landed smack on my desk).
  3. exactly (hit it smack in the centre).
Phrases and idioms
have a smack at colloq. make an attempt, attack, etc., at. a smack in the eye (or face) colloq. a rebuff; a setback.
Etymology: MDu. smack(en) of imit. orig.
v. & n. (foll. by of)
  1. have a flavour of; taste of (smacked of garlic).
  2. suggest the presence or effects of (it smacks of nepotism).
  1. a flavour; a taste that suggests the presence of something.
  2. (in a person's character etc.) a barely discernible quality (just a smack of superciliousness).
  3. (in food etc.) a very small amount (add a smack of ginger).
Etymology: OE sm{aelig}c
n. a single-masted sailing-boat for coasting or fishing.
Etymology: Du. smak f. earlier smacke; orig. unkn.
n. sl. a hard drug, esp. heroin, sold or used illegally.
Etymology: prob. alt. of Yiddish schmeck sniff




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