

单词 slip
释义 slip
v. & n.
--v (slipped, slipping)
  1. intr. slide unintentionally esp. for a short distance; lose one's footing or balance or place by unintended sliding.
  2. intr. go or move with a sliding motion (as the door closes the catch slips into place; slipped into her nightdress).
  3. intr. escape restraint or capture by being slippery or hard to hold or by not being grasped (the eel slipped through his fingers).
  4. intr. make one's or its way unobserved or quietly or quickly (just slip across to the baker's; errors will slip in).
  5. intr. a make a careless or casual mistake. b fall below the normal standard, deteriorate, lapse.
  6. tr. insert or transfer stealthily or casually or with a sliding motion (slipped a coin into his hand; slipped the papers into his pocket).
  7. tr. a release from restraint (slipped the greyhounds from the leash). b detach (an anchor) from a ship. c Brit. detach (a carriage) from a moving train. d release (the clutch of a motor vehicle) for a moment. e (of an animal) produce (young) prematurely.
  8. tr. move (a stitch) to the other needle without knitting it.
  9. tr. (foll. by on, off) pull (a garment) hastily on or off.
  10. tr. escape from; give the slip to (the dog slipped its collar; point slipped my mind).
  1. the act or an instance of slipping.
  2. an accidental or slight error.
  3. a loose covering or garment, esp. a petticoat or pillowcase.
  4. a a reduction in the movement of a pulley etc. due to slipping of the belt. b a reduction in the distance travelled by a ship or aircraft arising from the nature of the medium in which its propeller revolves.
  5. (in sing. or pl.) a an artificial slope of stone etc. on which boats are landed. b an inclined structure on which ships are built or repaired.
  6. Cricket a a fielder stationed for balls glancing off the bat to the off side. b (in sing. or pl.) the position of such a fielder (caught in the slips; caught at slip).
  7. a leash to slip dogs.
Phrases and idioms
give a person the slip escape from or evade him or her. let slip
  1. release accidentally or deliberately, esp. from a leash.
  2. miss (an opportunity).
  3. utter inadvertently. let slip the dogs of war poet. open hostilities.
let slip through one's fingers
  1. lose hold of.
  2. miss the opportunity of having. slip away depart without leave-taking etc. slip-carriage Brit. a railway carriage on an express for detaching at a station where the rest of the train does not stop. slip-case a close-fitting case for a book. slip-coach Brit. = slip-carriage.
  1. a a calico etc. cover for furniture out of use. b US = loose cover.
  2. a jacket or slip-case for a book. slip form a mould in which a structure of uniform cross-section is cast by filling it with concrete and continually moving and refilling it. slip-hook a hook with a contrivance for releasing it readily when necessary.
  1. a knot that can be undone by a pull.
  2. a running knot. slip off depart without leave-taking etc. slip of the pen (or tongue) a small mistake in which something is written (or said) unintentionally. slip-on adj. (of shoes or clothes) that can be easily slipped on and off.
--n a slip-on shoe or garment. slip-over (of a garment) to be slipped on over the head. slipped disc a disc between vertebrae that has become displaced and causes lumbar pain. slip-ring a ring for sliding contact in a dynamo or electric motor. slip-road Brit. a road for entering or leaving a motorway etc. slip-rope Naut. a rope with both ends on board so that casting loose either end frees the ship from her moorings. slip sheet Printing a sheet of paper placed between newly printed sheets to prevent set-off or smudging. slip something over on colloq. outwit. slip-stitch n.
  1. a loose stitch joining layers of fabric and not visible externally.
  2. a stitch moved to the other needle without being knitted.
--vtr. sew with slip-stitch. slip up colloq. make a mistake. slip-up n. colloq. a mistake, a blunder. there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip nothing is certain till it has happened.
Etymology: ME prob. f. MLG slippen: cf. SLIPPERY
  1. a a small piece of paper esp. for writing on. b a long narrow strip of thin wood, paper, etc. c a printer's proof on such paper; a galley proof.
  2. a cutting taken from a plant for grafting or planting, a scion.
Phrases and idioms
slip of a small and slim (a slip of a girl).
Etymology: ME, prob. f. MDu., MLG slippe cut, strip, etc.
n. clay in a creamy mixture with water, used mainly for decorating earthenware.
Phrases and idioms
slip casting the manufacture of ceramic ware by allowing slip to solidify in a mould. slip-ware ware decorated with slip.
Etymology: OE slipa, slyppe slime: cf. COWSLIP




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