

单词 slide
释义 slide
v. & n.
--v (past and past part. slid)
  1. a intr. move along a smooth surface with continuous contact on the same part of the thing moving (cf. ROLL). b tr. cause to do this (slide the drawer into place).
  2. intr. move quietly; glide; go smoothly along.
  3. intr. pass gradually or imperceptibly.
  4. intr. glide over ice on one or both feet without skates (under gravity or with momentum got by running).
  5. intr. (foll. by over) barely touch upon (a delicate subject etc.).
  6. intr. & tr. (often foll. by into) move or cause to move quietly or unobtrusively (slid his hand into mine).
  7. intr. take its own course (let it slide).
  1. a the act or an instance of sliding. b a rapid decline.
  2. an inclined plane down which children, goods, etc., slide; a chute.
  3. a a track made by or for sliding, esp. on ice. b a slope prepared with snow or ice for tobogganing.
  4. a part of a machine or instrument that slides, esp. a slide-valve.
  5. a a thing slid into place, esp. a piece of glass holding an object for a microscope. b a mounted transparency usu. placed in a projector for viewing on a screen.
  6. Brit. = hair-slide.
  7. a part or parts of a machine on or between which a sliding part works.
Phrases and idioms
let things slide be negligent; allow deterioration. slide fastener US a zip-fastener. slide-rule a ruler with a sliding central strip, graduated logarithmically for making rapid calculations, esp. multiplication and division. slide-valve a sliding piece that opens and closes an aperture by sliding across it. sliding door a door drawn across an aperture on a slide, not turning on hinges. sliding keel Naut. a centreboard. sliding roof a part of a roof (esp. in a motor car) made able to slide and so form an aperture. sliding scale a scale of fees, taxes, wages, etc., that varies as a whole in accordance with variation of some standard. sliding seat a seat able to slide to and fro on runners etc., esp. in a racing-boat to adjust the length of a stroke.
slidable adj. slidably adv. slider n.
Etymology: OE slidan




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