单词 | till |
释义 | till 1. prep. & conj. --prep   1. up to or as late as (wait till six o'clock; did not return till night).   2. up to the time of (faithful till death; waited till the end). --conj   1. up to the time when (wait till I return).   2. so long that (laughed till I cried). Usage Until is more usual when beginning a sentence. Etymology: OE & ON til to, rel. to TILL(3) 2. n. a drawer for money in a shop or bank etc., esp. with a device recording the amount of each purchase. Etymology: ME: orig. unkn. 3. v.tr. prepare and cultivate (land) for crops. Derivatives tillable adj. tiller n. Etymology: OE tilian strive for, cultivate, f. Gmc 4. n. stiff clay containing boulders, sand, etc. deposited by melting glaciers and ice-sheets. Etymology: 17th c. (Sc.): orig. unkn. |
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