

单词 ticket
释义 ticket
n. & v.
  1. a written or printed piece of paper or card entitling the holder to enter a place, participate in an event, travel by public transport, use a public amenity, etc.
  2. an official notification of a traffic offence etc. (parking ticket).
  3. Brit. a certificate of discharge from the army.
  4. a certificate of qualification as a ship's master, pilot, etc.
  5. a label attached to a thing and giving its price or other details.
  6. esp. US a a list of candidates put forward by one group esp. a political party. b the principles of a party.
  7. (prec. by the) colloq. what is correct or needed.
--vtr. (ticketed, ticketing) attach a ticket to.
Phrases and idioms
have tickets on oneself Austral. colloq. be conceited. ticket-day Brit. Stock Exch. the day before settling day, when the names of actual purchasers are handed to stockbrokers. ticket office an office or kiosk where tickets are sold for transport, entertainment, etc. ticket-of-leave man Brit. hist. a prisoner or convict who had served part of his time and was granted certain concessions, esp. leave.
ticketed adj. ticketless adj.
Etymology: obs.F {eacute}tiquet f. OF estiquet(te) f. estiquier, estechier fix f. MDu. steken




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