

单词 think
释义 think
v. & n.
--v (past and past part. thought)
  1. tr. (foll. by that + clause) be of the opinion (we think that they will come).
  2. tr. (foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) judge or consider (is thought to be a fraud).
  3. intr. exercise the mind positively with one's ideas etc. (let me think for a moment).
  4. tr. (foll. by of or about) a consider; be or become mentally aware of (think of you constantly). b form or entertain the idea of; imagine to oneself (couldn't think of such a thing). c choose mentally; hit upon (think of a number).
  5. tr. have a half-formed intention (I think I'll stay).
  6. tr. form a conception of (cannot think how you do it).
  7. tr. reduce to a specified condition by thinking (cannot think away a toothache).
  8. tr. recognize the presence or existence of (the child thought no harm).
  9. tr. (foll. by to + infin.) intend or expect (thinks to deceive us).
  10. tr. (foll. by to + infin.) remember (did not think to lock the door).
--n colloq. an act of thinking (must have a think about that).
Phrases and idioms
think again revise one's plans or opinions. think aloud utter one's thoughts as soon as they occur. think back to recall (a past event or time). think better of change one's mind about (an intention) after reconsideration. think big see BIG. think fit see FIT(1). think for oneself have an independent mind or attitude. think little (or nothing) of consider to be insignificant or unremarkable. think much (or highly) of have a high opinion of. think on (or upon) archaic think of or about. think out 1 consider carefully.
  2. produce (an idea etc.) by thinking. think over reflect upon in order to reach a decision. think through reflect fully upon (a problem etc.). think twice use careful consideration, avoid hasty action, etc. think up colloq. devise; produce by thought.
thinkable adj.
Etymology: OE thencan thohte gethoht f. Gmc




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