

单词 thin
释义 thin
adj., adv., & v.
--adj (thinner, thinnest)
  1. having the opposite surfaces close together; of small thickness or diameter.
  2. a (of a line) narrow or fine. b (of a script or type etc.) consisting of thin lines.
  3. made of thin material (a thin dress).
  4. lean; not plump.
  5. a not dense or copious (thin hair; a thin haze). b not full or closely packed (a thin audience).
  6. of slight consistency (a thin paste).
  7. weak; lacking an important ingredient (thin blood; a thin voice).
  8. (of an excuse, argument, disguise, etc.) flimsy or transparent.
--adv thinly (cut the bread very thin).
--v (thinned, thinning)
  1. tr. & intr. make or become thin or thinner.
  2. tr. & intr. (often foll. by out) reduce; make or become less dense or crowded or numerous.
  3. tr. (often foll. by out) remove some of a crop of (seedlings, saplings, etc.) or some young fruit from (a vine or tree) to improve the growth of the rest.
Phrases and idioms
have a thin time colloq. have a wretched or uncomfortable time. on thin ice see ICE. thin air a state of invisibility or non-existence (vanished into thin air). thin end of the wedge see WEDGE(1). thin on the ground see GROUND(1). thin on top balding. thin-skinned sensitive to reproach or criticism; easily upset.
thinly adv. thinness n. thinnish adj.
Etymology: OE thynne f. Gmc




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