

单词 attend
释义 attend
  1. tr. a be present at (attended the meeting). b go regularly to (attends the local school).
  2. intr. a be present (many members failed to attend). b be present in a serving capacity; wait.
  3. a tr. escort, accompany (the king was attended by soldiers). b intr. (foll. by on) wait on; serve.
  4. intr. a (usu. foll. by to) turn or apply one's mind; focus one's attention (attend to what I am saying; was not attending). b (foll. by to) deal with (shall attend to the matter myself).
  5. tr. (usu. in passive) follow as a result from (the error was attended by serious consequences).
attender n.
Etymology: ME f. OF atendre f. L attendere (as AD-, tendere tent- stretch)




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