

单词 far
释义 far
adv. & adj. (further, furthest or farther, farthest)
  1. at or to or by a great distance (far away; far off; far out).
  2. a long way (off) in space or time (are you travelling far?; we talked far into the night).
  3. to a great extent or degree; by much (far better; far the best; far too early).
  1. situated at or extending over a great distance in space or time; remote (a far cry; a far country).
  2. more distant (the far end of the hall).
Phrases and idioms
as far as
  1. to the distance of (a place).
  2. to the extent that (travel as far as you like). by far by a great amount. far and away by a very large amount. far and near everywhere. far and wide over a large area.
  1. remote; long-past.
  2. (of a look) dreamy.
  3. (of a voice) sounding as if from a distance. far be it from me (foll. by to + infin.) I am reluctant to (esp. express criticism etc.). far cry a long way. the Far East China, Japan, and other countries of E. Asia. Far Eastern of or in the Far East. far-fetched (of an explanation etc.) strained, unconvincing. far-flung extending far; widely distributed. far from very different from being; tending to the opposite of (the problem is far from being solved). far gone 1 advanced in time.
  2. colloq. in an advanced state of illness, drunkenness, etc. far-off remote.
  1. distant.
  2. avant-garde, unconventional, excellent.
  1. widely applicable.
  2. having important consequences or implications. far-seeing shrewd in judgement; prescient.
go far
  1. achieve much.
  2. contribute greatly.
  3. be adequate. go too far go beyond the limits of what is reasonable, polite, etc. how far to what extent.
so far
  1. to such an extent or distance; to this point.
  2. until now. so (or in so) far as (or that) to the extent that. so far so good progress has been satisfactory up to now.
farness n.
Etymology: OE feorr




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