

单词 copper
释义 copper
n., adj., & v.
  1. Chem. a malleable red-brown metallic element of the transition series occurring naturally esp. in cuprite and malachite, and used esp. for electrical cables and apparatus.
Symb.: Cu.
  2. a bronze coin.
  3. a large metal vessel for boiling esp. laundry.
  4. any of various butterflies with copper-coloured wings.
--adj made of or coloured like copper.
--vtr. cover (a ship's bottom, a pan, etc.) with copper.
Phrases and idioms
copper beech a variety of beech with copper-coloured leaves. copper belt a copper-mining area of Central Africa. copper-bit a soldering tool pointed with copper. copper-bottomed
  1. having a bottom sheathed with copper (esp. of a ship or pan).
  2. genuine or reliable (esp. financially). copper pyrites a double sulphide of copper and iron: also called CHALCOPYRITE. copper sulphate a blue crystalline solid used in electroplating, textile dyeing, etc. copper vitriol copper sulphate.
Etymology: OE copor, coper, ult. f. L cyprium aes Cyprus metal
n. Brit. sl. a policeman.
Etymology: COP(1) + ER(1)




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