

单词 tell
释义 tell
v. (past and past part. told)
  1. tr. relate or narrate in speech or writing; give an account of (tell me a story).
  2. tr. make known; express in words; divulge (tell me your name; tell me what you want).
  3. tr. reveal or signify to (a person) (your face tells me everything).
  4. tr. a utter (don't tell lies). b warn (I told you so).
  5. intr. a (often foll. by of, about) divulge information or a description; reveal a secret (I told of the plan; promise you won't tell). b (foll. by on) colloq. inform against (a person).
  6. tr. (foll. by to + infin.) give (a person) a direction or order (tell them to wait; do as you are told).
  7. tr. assure (it's true, I tell you).
  8. tr. explain in writing; instruct (this book tells you how to cook).
  9. tr. decide, determine, distinguish (cannot tell which button to press; how do you tell one from the other?).
  10. intr. a (often foll. by on) produce a noticeable effect (every disappointment tells; the strain was beginning to tell on me). b reveal the truth (time will tell). c have an influence (the evidence tells against you).
  11. tr. (often absol.) count (votes) at a meeting, election, etc.
Phrases and idioms
as far as one can tell judging from the available information. tell apart distinguish between (usu. with neg. or interrog.: could not tell them apart). tell me another colloq. an expression of incredulity. tell off 1 colloq. reprimand, scold.
  2. count off or detach for duty. tell a tale (or its own tale) be significant or revealing. tell tales report a discreditable fact about another. tell that to the marines see MARINE. tell the time determine the time from the face of a clock or watch. there is no telling it is impossible to know (there's no telling what may happen). you're telling me colloq. I agree wholeheartedly.
tellable adj.
Etymology: OE tellan f. Gmc, rel. to TALE
n. Archaeol. an artificial mound in the Middle East etc. formed by the accumulated remains of ancient settlements.
Etymology: Arab. tall hillock




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