

单词 teach
释义 teach
v.tr. (past and past part. taught)
  1. a give systematic information to (a person) or about (a subject or skill). b (absol.) practise this professionally. c enable (a person) to do something by instruction and training (taught me to swim; taught me how to dance).
  2. advocate as a moral etc. principle (my parents taught me tolerance).
  3. (foll. by to + infin.) a induce (a person) by example or punishment to do or not to do a thing (that will teach you to sit still; that will teach you not to laugh). b colloq. make (a person) disinclined to do a thing (I will teach you to interfere).
Phrases and idioms
  1. an informal lecture and discussion on a subject of public interest.
  2. a series of these. teach a person a lesson see LESSON. teach school US be a teacher in a school.
Etymology: OE t{aelig}can f. a Gmc root = 'show'




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