单词 | put |
释义 | put 1. v. & n. --v (putting; past and past part. put)   1. tr. move to or cause to be in a specified place or position (put it in your pocket; put the children to bed; put your signature here).   2. tr. bring into a specified condition, relation, or state (puts me in great difficulty; an accident put the car out of action).   3. tr. a (often foll. by on) impose or assign (put a tax on beer; where do you put the blame?). b (foll. by on, to) impose or enforce the existence of (put a veto on it; put a stop to it).   4. tr. a cause (a person) to go or be, habitually or temporarily (put them at their ease; put them on the right track). b refl. imagine (oneself) in a specified situation (put yourself in my shoes).   5. tr. (foll. by for) substitute (one thing for another).   6. intr. express (a thought or idea) in a specified way (to put it mildly).   7. tr. (foll. by at) estimate (an amount etc. at a specified amount) (put the cost at {pound}50).   8. tr. (foll. by into) express or translate in (words, or another language).   9. tr. (foll. by into) invest (money in an asset, e.g. land).   10. tr. (foll. by on) stake (money) on (a horse etc.).   11. tr. (foll. by to) apply or devote to a use or purpose (put it to good use).   12. tr. (foll. by to) submit for consideration or attention (let me put it to you another way; shall now put it to a vote).   13. tr. (foll. by to) subject (a person) to (death, suffering, etc.).   14. tr. throw (esp. a shot or weight) as an athletic sport or exercise.   15. tr. (foll. by to) couple (an animal) with (another of the opposite sex) for breeding.   16. intr. (foll. by back, off, out, etc.) (of a ship etc.) proceed or follow a course in a specified direction.   17. intr. US (foll. by in, out of) (of a river) flow in a specified direction. --n   1. a throw of the shot or weight.   2. Stock Exch. the option of selling stock at a fixed price at a given date. Phrases and idioms not know where to put oneself feel deeply embarrassed. put about   1. spread (information, rumour, etc.).   2. Naut. turn round; put (a ship) on the opposite tack.   3. trouble, distress. put across   1. make acceptable or effective.   2. express in an understandable way.   3. (often in put it (or one) across) achieve by deceit. put away   1. put (a thing) back in the place where it is normally kept.   2. lay (money etc.) aside for future use.   3. a confine or imprison. b commit to a home or mental institution.   4. consume (food and drink), esp. in large quantities.   5. put (an old or sick animal) to death. put back   1. restore to its proper or former place.   2. change (a planned event) to a later date or time.   3. move back the hands of (a clock or watch).   4. check the advance of. put a bold etc. face on it see FACE. put the boot in see BOOT. put by lay (money etc.) aside for future use. put down   1. suppress by force or authority.   2. colloq. snub or humiliate.   3. record or enter in writing.   4. enter the name of (a person) on a list, esp. as a member or subscriber.   5. (foll. by as, for) account or reckon.   6. (foll. by to) attribute (put it down to bad planning).   7. put (an old or sick animal) to death.   8. preserve or store (eggs etc.) for future use.   9. pay (a specified sum) as a deposit.   10. put (a baby) to bed.   11. land (an aircraft).   12. stop to let (passengers) get off. put-down n. colloq. a snub or humiliating criticism. put an end to see END. put one's foot down see FOOT. put one's foot in it see FOOT. put forth   1. (of a plant) send out (buds or leaves).   2. formal submit or put into circulation. put forward   1. suggest or propose.   2. advance the hands of (a clock or watch).   3. (often refl.) put into a prominent position; draw attention to. put in   1. a enter or submit (a claim etc.). b (foll. by for) submit a claim for (a specified thing).   2. (foll. by for) be a candidate for (an appointment, election, etc.).   3. spend (time).   4. perform (a spell of work) as part of a whole.   5. interpose (a remark, blow, etc.). put a person in mind of see MIND. put it to a person (often foll. by that + clause) challenge a person to deny. put one's mind to see MIND. put off   1. a postpone. b postpone an engagement with (a person).   2. (often foll. by with) evade (a person) with an excuse etc.   3. hinder or dissuade.   4. offend, disconcert; cause (a person) to lose interest in something. put on   1. clothe oneself with.   2. cause (an electrical device, light, etc.) to function.   3. cause (transport) to be available.   4. stage (a play, show, etc.).   5. advance the hands of (a clock or watch).   6. a pretend to be affected by (an emotion). b assume, take on (a character or appearance). c (put it on) exaggerate one's feelings etc.   7. increase one's weight by (a specified amount).   8. send (a cricketer) on to bowl.   9. (foll. by to) make aware of or put in touch with (put us on to their new accountant). put-on n. colloq. a deception or hoax. put out   1. a (often as put out adj.) disconcert or annoy. b (often refl.) inconvenience (don't put yourself out).   2. extinguish (a fire or light).   3. cause (a batsman or side) to be out.   4. dislocate (a joint).   5. exert (strength etc.).   6. lend (money) at interest.   7. allocate (work) to be done off the premises.   8. blind (a person's eyes). put over   1. make acceptable or effective.   2. express in an understandable way.   3. US postpone.   4. US achieve by deceit. put a sock in it see SOCK(1). put store by see STORE. put through   1. carry out or complete (a task or transaction).   2. (often foll. by to) connect (a person) by telephone to another subscriber. put to flight see FLIGHT(2). put together 1 assemble (a whole) from parts.   2. combine (parts) to form a whole. put under render unconscious by anaesthetic etc. put up   1. build or erect.   2. raise (a price etc.).   3. take or provide accommodation (friends put me up for the night).   4. engage in (a fight, struggle, etc.) as a form of resistance.   5. present (a proposal).   6. a present oneself for election. b propose for election.   7. provide (money) as a backer in an enterprise.   8. display (a notice).   9. publish (banns).   10. offer for sale or competition.   11. cause (game) to rise from cover.   12. put (a sword) back in its sheath. put-up adj. fraudulently presented or devised. put upon colloq. make unfair or excessive demands on; take advantage of (a person). put a person up to   1. inform or instruct a person about.   2. (usu. foll. by verbal noun) instigate a person in (put them up to stealing the money). put up with endure, tolerate; submit to. put the wind up see WIND(1). put a person wise see WISE. put words into a person's mouth see MOUTH. Derivatives putter n. Etymology: ME f. an unrecorded OE form putian, of unkn. orig. 2. var. of PUTT. |
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