

单词 settle
释义 settle
  1. tr. & intr. (often foll. by down) establish or become established in a more or less permanent abode or way of life.
  2. intr. & tr. (often foll. by down) a cease or cause to cease from wandering, disturbance, movement, etc. b adopt a regular or secure style of life. c (foll. by to) apply oneself (to work, an activity, a way of life, etc.) (settled down to writing letters).
  3. a intr. sit or come down to stay for some time. b tr. cause to do this.
  4. tr. & intr. bring to or attain fixity, certainty, composure, or quietness.
  5. tr. determine or decide or agree upon (shall we settle a date?).
  6. tr. a resolve (a dispute etc.). b deal with (a matter) finally.
  7. tr. terminate (a lawsuit) by mutual agreement.
  8. intr. a (foll. by for) accept or agree to (esp. an alternative not one's first choice). b (foll. by on) decide on.
  9. tr. (also absol.) pay (a debt, an account, etc.).
  10. intr. (as settled adj.) not likely to change for a time (settled weather).
  11. tr. a aid the digestion of (food). b remedy the disordered state of (nerves, the stomach, etc.).
  12. tr. a colonize. b establish colonists in.
  13. intr. subside; fall to the bottom or on to a surface (the foundations have settled; wait till the sediment settles; the dust will settle).
  14. intr. (of a ship) begin to sink.
  15. tr. get rid of the obstruction of (a person) by argument or conflict or killing.
Phrases and idioms
settle one's affairs make any necessary arrangements (e.g. write a will) when death is near. settle a person's hash see HASH(1). settle in become established in a place. settle up
  1. (also absol.) pay (an account, debt, etc.).
  2. finally arrange (a matter).
settle with
  1. pay all or part of an amount due to (a creditor).
  2. get revenge on. settling day the fortnightly pay-day on the Stock Exchange.
settleable adj.
Etymology: OE setlan (as SETTLE(2)) f. Gmc
n. a bench with a high back and arms and often with a box fitted below the seat.
Etymology: OE setl place to sit f. Gmc




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