

单词 empty
释义 empty
adj., v., & n.
--adj (emptier, emptiest)
  1. containing nothing.
  2. (of a house etc.) unoccupied or unfurnished.
  3. (of a transport vehicle etc.) without a load, passengers, etc.
  4. a meaningless, hollow, insincere (empty threats; an empty gesture). b without substance or purpose (an empty existence).
  5. colloq. hungry.
  6. (foll. by of) devoid, lacking.
--v (-ies, -ied)
  1. tr. a make empty; remove the contents of. b (foll. by of) deprive of certain contents (emptied the room of its chairs).
  2. tr. (often foll. by into) transfer (the contents of a container).
  3. intr. become empty.
  4. intr. (usu. foll. by into) (of a river) discharge itself (into the sea etc.).
--n (pl. -ies) colloq. a container (esp. a bottle) left empty of its contents.
Phrases and idioms
  1. bringing or taking nothing.
  2. having achieved or obtained nothing. empty-headed foolish; lacking common sense. empty-nester US either of a couple whose children have grown up and left home. on an empty stomach see STOMACH.
emptily adv. emptiness n.
Etymology: OE {aelig}mtig, {aelig}metig f. {aelig}metta leisure




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