

单词 identity
释义 identity
n. (pl. -ies)
  1. a the quality or condition of being a specified person or thing. b individuality, personality (felt he had lost his identity).
  2. identification or the result of it (a case of mistaken identity; identity card).
  3. the state of being the same in substance, nature, qualities, etc.; absolute sameness (no identity of interests between them).
  4. Algebra a the equality of two expressions for all values of the quantities expressed by letters. b an equation expressing this, e.g. (x + 1)(2) = x(2) + 2x + 1.
  5. Math. a (in full identity element) an element in a set, left unchanged by any operation to it. b a transformation that leaves an object unchanged.
Phrases and idioms
identity crisis a phase in which an individual feels a need to establish an identity in relation to society. identity parade = identification parade.
Etymology: LL identitas f. L idem same




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