

单词 chime
释义 chime
n. & v.
  1. a a set of attuned bells. b the series of sounds given by this. c (usu. in pl.) a set of attuned bells as a door bell.
  2. agreement, correspondence, harmony.
  1. a intr. (of bells) ring. b tr. sound (a bell or chime) by striking.
  2. tr. show (the hour) by chiming.
  3. intr. (usu. foll. by together, with) be in agreement, harmonize.
Phrases and idioms
chime in
  1. interject a remark.
  2. join in harmoniously.
  3. (foll. by with) agree with.
chimer n.
Etymology: ME, prob. f. chym(b)e bell f. OE cimbal f. L cymbalum f. Gk kumbalon CYMBAL
n. (also chimb) the projecting rim at the end of a cask.
Etymology: ME: cf. MDu., MLG kimme




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