单词 | pull |
释义 | pull v. & n. --v   1. tr. exert force upon (a thing) tending to move it to oneself or the origin of the force (stop pulling my hair).   2. tr. cause to move in this way (pulled it nearer; pulled me into the room).   3. intr. exert a pulling force (the horse pulls well; the engine will not pull).   4. tr. extract (a cork or tooth) by pulling.   5. tr. damage (a muscle etc.) by abnormal strain.   6. a tr. move (a boat) by pulling on the oars. b intr. (of a boat etc.) be caused to move, esp. in a specified direction.   7. intr. (often foll. by up) proceed with effort (up a hill etc.).   8. tr. (foll. by on) bring out (a weapon) for use against (a person).   9. a tr. check the speed of (a horse), esp. so as to make it lose the race. b intr. (of a horse) strain against the bit.   10. tr. attract or secure (custom or support).   11. tr. draw (liquor) from a barrel etc.   12. intr. (foll. by at) tear or pluck at.   13. intr. (often foll. by on, at) inhale deeply; draw or suck (on a pipe etc.).   14. tr. (often foll. by up) remove (a plant) by the root.   15. tr. a Cricket strike (the ball) to the leg side. b Golf strike (the ball) widely to the left.   16. tr. print (a proof etc.).   17. tr. colloq. achieve or accomplish (esp. something illicit). --n   1. the act of pulling.   2. the force exerted by this.   3. a means of exerting influence; an advantage.   4. something that attracts or draws attention.   5. a deep draught of liquor.   6. a prolonged effort, e.g. in going up a hill.   7. a handle etc. for applying a pull.   8. a spell of rowing.   9. a printer's rough proof.   10. Cricket & Golf a pulling stroke.   11. a suck at a cigarette. Phrases and idioms pull about 1 treat roughly.   2. pull from side to side. pull apart (or to pieces) = take to pieces (see PIECE). pull back retreat or cause to retreat. pull-back n.   1. a retarding influence.   2. a withdrawal of troops. pull down   1. demolish (esp. a building).   2. humiliate.   3. colloq. earn (a sum of money) as wages etc. pull a face assume a distinctive or specified (e.g. sad or angry) expression. pull a fast one see FAST(1). pull in   1. (of a bus, train, etc.) arrive to take passengers.   2. (of a vehicle) move to the side of or off the road.   3. earn or acquire.   4. colloq. arrest. pull-in n. Brit. a roadside caf{eacute} or other stopping-place. pull a person's leg deceive a person playfully. pull off   1. remove by pulling.   2. succeed in achieving or winning. pull oneself together recover control of oneself. pull the other one colloq. expressing disbelief (with ref. to pull a person's leg). pull out   1. take out by pulling.   2. depart.   3. withdraw from an undertaking.   4. (of a bus, train, etc.) leave with its passengers.   5. (of a vehicle) move out from the side of the road, or from its normal position to overtake. pull-out n. something that can be pulled out, esp. a section of a magazine. pull over (of a vehicle) pull in. pull the plug on colloq. defeat, discomfit. pull one's punches avoid using one's full force. pull rank take unfair advantage of one's seniority. pull round (or through) recover or cause to recover from an illness. pull strings exert (esp. clandestine) influence. pull the strings be the real actuator of what another does. pull together work in harmony. pull up   1. stop or cause to stop moving.   2. pull out of the ground.   3. reprimand.   4. check oneself. pull one's weight do one's fair share of work. pull wires esp. US = pull strings. Derivatives puller n. Etymology: OE (a)pullian, perh. rel. to LG pulen, MDu. polen to shell |
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