

单词 on
释义 on
prep., adv., adj., & n.
  1. (so as to be) supported by or attached to or covering or enclosing (sat on a chair; stuck on the wall; rings on her fingers; leaned on his elbow).
  2. carried with; about the person of (have you a pen on you?).
  3. (of time) exactly at; during; contemporaneously with (on 29 May; on the hour; on schedule; working on Tuesday).
  4. immediately after or before (I saw them on my return).
  5. as a result of (on further examination I found this).
  6. (so as to be) having membership etc. of or residence at or in (she is on the board of directors; lives on the continent).
  7. supported financially by (lives on {pound}50 a week; lives on his wits).
  8. close to; just by (a house on the sea; lives on the main road).
  9. in the direction of; against.
  10. so as to threaten; touching or striking (advanced on him; pulled a knife on me; a punch on the nose).
  11. having as an axis or pivot (turned on his heels).
  12. having as a basis or motive (works on a ratchet; arrested on suspicion).
  13. having as a standard, confirmation, or guarantee (had it on good authority; did it on purpose; I promise on my word).
  14. concerning or about (writes on frogs).
  15. using or engaged with (is on the pill; here on business).
  16. so as to affect (walked out on her).
  17. at the expense of (the drinks are on me; the joke is on him).
  18. added to (disaster on disaster; ten pence on a pint of beer).
  19. in a specified manner or style (often foll. by the + adj. or noun: on the cheap; on the run).
  1. (so as to be) covering or in contact with something, esp. of clothes (put your boots on).
  2. in the appropriate direction; towards something (look on).
  3. further forward; in an advanced position or state (time is getting on; it happened later on).
  4. with continued movement or action (went plodding on; keeps on complaining).
  5. in operation or activity (the light is on; the chase was on).
  6. due to take place as planned (is the party still on?).
  7. colloq. a (of a person) willing to participate or approve, or make a bet. b (of an idea, proposal, etc.) practicable or acceptable (that's just not on).
  8. being shown or performed (a good film on tonight).
  9. (of an actor) on stage.
  10. (of an employee) on duty.
  11. forward (head on).
--adj Cricket designating the part of the field on the striker's side and in front of the wicket.
--n Cricket the on side.
Phrases and idioms
be on about refer to or discuss esp. tediously or persistently (what are they on about?). be on at colloq. nag or grumble at. be on to
  1. realize the significance or intentions of.
  2. get in touch with (esp. by telephone). on and off intermittently; now and then. on and on continually; at tedious length. on-line Computing (of equipment or a process) directly controlled by or connected to a central processor.
  1. (of a switch) having two positions, 'on' and 'off'.
  2. = on and off. on-stage adj. & adv. on the stage; visible to the audience. on-street (with ref. to parking vehicles) at the side of a street. on time punctual, punctually. on to to a position or state on or in contact with (cf. ONTO).
Etymology: OE on, an f. Gmc




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