

单词 ease
释义 ease
n. & v.
  1. absence of difficulty; facility, effortlessness (did it with ease).
  2. a freedom or relief from pain, anxiety, or trouble. b freedom from embarrassment or awkwardness. c freedom or relief from constraint or formality.
  1. tr. relieve from pain or anxiety etc. (often foll. by of : eased my mind; eased me of the burden).
  2. intr. (often foll. by off, up) a become less painful or burdensome. b relax; begin to take it easy. c slow down; moderate one's behaviour, habits, etc.
  3. tr. joc. rob or extract money etc. from (let me ease you of your loose change).
  4. intr. Meteorol. become less severe (the wind will ease tonight).
  5. a tr. relax; slacken; make a less tight fit. b tr. & intr. (foll. by through, into, etc.) move or be moved carefully into place (eased it into the hole).
  6. intr. (often foll. by off) Stock Exch. (of shares etc.) descend in price or value.
Phrases and idioms
at ease
  1. free from anxiety or constraint.
  2. Mil. a in a relaxed attitude, with the feet apart. b the order to stand in this way. at one's ease free from embarrassment, awkwardness, or undue formality. ease away (or down or off) Naut. slacken (a rope, sail, etc.).
easer n.
Etymology: ME f. AF ese, OF eise, ult. f. L adjacens ADJACENT




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