

单词 since
释义 since
prep., conj., & adv.
--prep throughout, or at a point in, the period between (a specified time, event, etc.) and the time present or being considered (must have happened since yesterday; has been going on since June; the greatest composer since Beethoven).
  1. during or in the time after (what have you been doing since we met?; has not spoken since the dog died).
  2. for the reason that, because; inasmuch as (since you are drunk I will drive you home).
  3. (ellipt.) as being (a more useful, since better designed, tool).
  1. from that time or event until now or the time being considered (have not seen them since; had been healthy ever since; has since been cut down).
  2. ago (happened many years since).
Etymology: ME, reduced form of obs. sithence or f. dial. sin (f. sithen) f. OE siththon




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