单词 | hang |
释义 | hang v. & n. --v (past and past part. hung except in sense 7)   1. tr. a secure or cause to be supported from above, esp. with the lower part free. b (foll. by up, on, on to, etc.) attach loosely by suspending from the top.   2. tr. set up (a door, gate, etc.) on its hinges so that it moves freely.   3. tr. place (a picture) on a wall or in an exhibition.   4. tr. attach (wallpaper) in vertical strips to a wall.   5. tr. (foll. by on) colloq. attach the blame for (a thing) to (a person) (you can't hang that on me).   6. tr. (foll. by with) decorate by hanging pictures or decorations etc. (a hall hung with tapestries).   7. tr. & intr. (past and past part. hanged) a suspend or be suspended by the neck with a noosed rope until dead, esp. as a form of capital punishment. b as a mild oath (hang the expense; let everything go hang).   8. tr. let droop (hang one's head).   9. tr. suspend (meat or game) from a hook and leave it until dry or tender or high.   10. intr. be or remain hung (in various senses).   11. intr. remain static in the air.   12. intr. (often foll. by over) be present or imminent, esp. oppressively or threateningly (a hush hung over the room).   13. intr. (foll. by on) a be contingent or dependent on (everything hangs on the discussions). b listen closely to (hangs on their every word). --n   1. the way a thing hangs or falls.   2. a downward droop or bend. Phrases and idioms get the hang of colloq. understand the technique or meaning of. hang about (or around)   1. loiter or dally; not move away.   2. (foll. by with) associate with (a person etc.). hang back   1. show reluctance to act or move.   2. remain behind. hang fire be slow in taking action or in progressing. hang heavily (or heavy) (of time) pass slowly. hang in US colloq.   1. persist, persevere.   2. linger. hang on colloq.   1. continue or persevere, esp. with difficulty.   2. (often foll. by to) continue to hold or grasp.   3. (foll. by to) retain; fail to give back.   4. a wait for a short time. b (in telephoning) continue to listen during a pause in the conversation. hang out   1. hang from a window, clothes-line, etc.   2. protrude or cause to protrude downwards.   3. (foll. by of) lean out of (a window etc.).   4. sl. reside or be often present. hang-out n. sl. a place one lives in or frequently visits. hang together   1. make sense.   2. remain associated. hang up   1. hang from a hook, peg, etc.   2. (often foll. by on) end a telephone conversation, esp. abruptly (then he hung up on me).   3. cause delay or difficulty to.   4. (usu. in passive, foll. by on) sl. be a psychological or emotional obsession or problem to (is really hung up on her father). hang-up n. sl. an emotional problem or inhibition. hung-over colloq. suffering from a hangover. hung parliament a parliament in which no party has a clear majority. let it all hang out sl. be uninhibited or relaxed. not care (or give) a hang colloq. not care at all. Etymology: ON hanga (tr.) = OE hon, & f. OE hangian (intr.), f. Gmc |
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