

单词 abort
释义 abort
v. & n.
  1. intr. a (of a woman) undergo abortion; miscarry. b (of a foetus) suffer abortion.
  2. tr. a effect the abortion of (a foetus). b effect abortion in (a mother).
  3. a tr. cause to end fruitlessly or prematurely; stop in the early stages. b intr. end unsuccessfully or prematurely.
  4. a tr. abandon or terminate (a space flight or other technical project) before its completion, usu. because of a fault. b intr. terminate or fail to complete such an undertaking.
  5. Biol. a intr. (of an organism) remain undeveloped; shrink away. b tr. cause to do this.
  1. a prematurely terminated space flight or other undertaking.
  2. the termination of such an undertaking.
Etymology: L aboriri miscarry (as AB-, oriri ort- be born)




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