

单词 grow
释义 grow
v. (past grew; past part. grown)
  1. intr. increase in size, height, quantity, degree, or in any way regarded as measurable (e.g. authority or reputation) (often foll. by in: grew in stature).
  2. intr. a develop or exist as a living plant or natural product. b develop in a specific way or direction (began to grow sideways). c germinate, sprout; spring up.
  3. intr. be produced; come naturally into existence; arise.
  4. intr. (as grown adj.) fully matured; adult.
  5. intr. a become gradually (grow rich; grow less). b (foll. by to + infin.) come by degrees (grew to like it).
  6. intr. (foll. by into) a become, having grown or developed (the acorn has grown into a tall oak; will grow into a fine athlete). b become large enough for or suited to (will grow into the coat; grew into her new job).
  7. intr. (foll. by on) become gradually more favoured by.
  8. tr. a produce (plants, fruit, wood, etc.) by cultivation. b bring forth. c cause (a beard etc.) to develop.
  9. tr. (in passive; foll. by over, up) be covered with a growth.
Phrases and idioms
growing bag a bag containing peat-based potting compost in which plants may be grown. growing pains
  1. early difficulties in the development of an enterprise etc.
  2. neuralgic pain in children's legs due to fatigue etc. grown-up adj. adult.
--n an adult person. grow out of
  1. become too large to wear (a garment).
  2. become too mature to retain (a childish habit etc.).
  3. be the result or development of. grow together coalesce.
grow up
  1. a advance to maturity. b (esp. in imper.) begin to behave sensibly.
  2. (of a custom) arise, become common.
growable adj.
Etymology: OE growan f. Gmc, rel. to GRASS, GREEN




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