

单词 condemn
释义 condemn
  1. express utter disapproval of; censure (was condemned for his irresponsible behaviour).
  2. a find guilty; convict. b (usu. foll. by to) sentence to (a punishment, esp. death). c bring about the conviction of (his looks condemn him).
  3. pronounce (a building etc.) unfit for use or habitation.
  4. (usu. foll. by to) doom or assign (to something unwelcome or painful) (condemned to spending hours at the kitchen sink).
  5. a declare (smuggled goods, property, etc.) to be forfeited. b pronounce incurable.
Phrases and idioms
condemned cell a cell for a prisoner condemned to death.
condemnable adj. condemnation n. condemnatory adj.
Etymology: ME f. OF condem(p)ner f. L condemnare (as com-, damnare damn)




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