

单词 express
释义 express
  1. represent or make known (thought, feelings, etc.) in words or by gestures, conduct, etc.
  2. refl. say what one thinks or means.
  3. esp. Math. represent by symbols.
  4. squeeze out (liquid or air).
expresser n. expressible adj.
Etymology: ME f. OF expresser f. Rmc (as EX-(1), PRESS(1))
adj., adv., n., & v.
  1. operating at high speed.
  2. also a definitely stated, not merely implied. b archaic (of a likeness) exact.
  3. a done, made, or sent for a special purpose. b (of messages or goods) delivered by a special messenger or service.
  1. at high speed.
  2. by express messenger or train.
  1. a an express train or messenger. b an express rifle.
  2. US a company undertaking the transport of parcels etc.
--vtr. send by express messenger or delivery.
Phrases and idioms
express rifle a rifle that discharges a bullet at high speed. express train a fast train, stopping at few intermediate stations.
expressly adv. (in sense 2 of adj.).
Etymology: ME f. OF expres f. L expressus distinctly shown, past part. of exprimere (as EX-(1), premere press)




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