单词 | scale |
释义 | scale 1. n. & v. --n   1. each of the small thin bony or horny overlapping plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles.   2. something resembling a fish-scale, esp.: a a pod or husk. b a flake of skin; a scab. c a rudimentary leaf, feather, or bract. d each of the structures covering the wings of butterflies and moths. e Bot. a layer of a bulb.   3. a a flake formed on the surface of rusty iron. b a thick white deposit formed in a kettle, boiler, etc. by the action of heat on water.   4. plaque formed on teeth. --v   1. tr. remove scale or scales from (fish, nuts, iron, etc.).   2. tr. remove plaque from (teeth) by scraping.   3. intr. a (of skin, metal, etc.) form, come off in, or drop, scales. b (usu. foll. by off) (of scales) come off. Phrases and idioms scale-armour hist. armour formed of metal scales attached to leather etc. scale-board very thin wood used for the back of a mirror, picture, etc. scale-bug = scale insect. scale-fern any of various spleenworts, esp. Asplenium ceterach. scale insect any of various insects, esp. of the family Coccidae, clinging to plants and secreting a shieldlike scale as covering. scale-leaf a modified leaf resembling a scale. scale-moss a type of liverwort with scalelike leaves. scales fall from a person's eyes a person is no longer deceived (cf. Acts 9:18). scale-winged lepidopterous. scale-work an overlapping arrangement. Derivatives scaled adj. (also in comb.). scaleless adj. scaler n. Etymology: ME f. OF escale f. Gmc, rel. to SCALE(2) 2. n. & v. --n   1. a (often in pl.) a weighing machine or device (bathroom scales). b (also scale-pan) each of the dishes on a simple scale balance.   2. (the Scales) the zodiacal sign or constellation Libra. --vtr. (of something weighed) show (a specified weight) in the scales. Phrases and idioms pair of scales a simple balance. throw into the scale cause to be a factor in a contest, debate, etc. tip (or turn) the scales   1. (usu. foll. by at) outweigh the opposite scale-pan (at a specified weight); weigh.   2. (of a motive, circumstance, etc.) be decisive. Etymology: ME f. ON sk{aacute}l bowl f. Gmc 3. n. & v. --n   1. a series of degrees; a graded classification system (pay fees according to a prescribed scale; high on the social scale; seven points on the Richter scale).   2. a (often attrib.) Geog. & Archit. a ratio of size in a map, model, picture, etc. (on a scale of one centimetre to the kilometre; a scale model). b relative dimensions or degree (generosity on a grand scale).   3. Mus. an arrangement of all the notes in any system of music in ascending or descending order (chromatic scale; major scale).   4. a a set of marks on a line used in measuring, reducing, enlarging, etc. b a rule determining the distances between these. c a piece of metal, apparatus, etc. on which these are marked.   5. (in full scale of notation) Math. the ratio between units in a numerical system (decimal scale). --v   1. tr. a (also absol.) climb (a wall, height, etc.) esp. with a ladder. b climb (the social scale, heights of ambition, etc.).   2. tr. represent in proportional dimensions; reduce to a common scale.   3. intr. (of quantities etc.) have a common scale; be commensurable. Phrases and idioms economies of scale proportionate savings gained by using larger quantities. in scale (of drawing etc.) in proportion to the surroundings etc. play (or sing) scales Mus. perform the notes of a scale as an exercise for the fingers or voice. scale down make smaller in proportion; reduce in size. scale up make larger in proportion; increase in size. scaling-ladder hist. a ladder used to climb esp. fortress walls, esp. to break a siege. to scale with a uniform reduction or enlargement. Derivatives scaler n. Etymology: (n.) ME (= ladder): (v.) ME f. OF escaler or med.L scalare f. L scala f. scandere climb |
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