

单词 match
释义 match
n. & v.
  1. a contest or game of skill etc. in which persons or teams compete against each other.
  2. a a person able to contend with another as an equal (meet one's match; be more than a match for). b a person equal to another in some quality (we shall never see his match). c a person or thing exactly like or corresponding to another.
  3. a marriage.
  4. a person viewed in regard to his or her eligibility for marriage, esp. as to rank or fortune (an excellent match).
  1. a tr. be equal to or harmonious with; correspond to in some essential respect (the curtains match the wallpaper). b intr. (often foll. by with) correspond; harmonize (his socks do not match; does the ribbon match with your hat?).
  2. tr. (foll. by against, with) place (a person etc.) in conflict, contest, or competition with (another).
  3. tr. find material etc. that matches (another) (can you match this silk?).
  4. tr. find a person or thing suitable for another (matching unemployed workers with vacant posts).
  5. tr. prove to be a match for.
  6. tr. Electronics produce or have an adjustment of (circuits) such that maximum power is transmitted between them.
  7. tr. (usu. foll. by with) archaic join (a person) with another in marriage.
Phrases and idioms
make a match bring about a marriage. match play Golf play in which the score is reckoned by counting the holes won by each side (cf. stroke play). match point
  1. Tennis etc. a the state of a game when one side needs only one more point to win the match. b this point.
  2. Bridge a unit of scoring in matches and tournaments. to match corresponding in some essential respect with what has been mentioned (yellow dress with gloves to match). well-matched fit to contend with each other, live together, etc., on equal terms.
matchable adj.
Etymology: OE gem{aelig}cca mate, companion, f. Gmc
  1. a short thin piece of wood, wax, etc., tipped with a composition that can be ignited by friction.
  2. a piece of wick, cord, etc., designed to burn at a uniform rate, for firing a cannon etc.
Etymology: ME f. OF mesche, meiche, perh. f. L myxa lamp-nozzle




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