

单词 strong
释义 strong
adj. & adv.
--adj (stronger; strongest)
  1. having the power of resistance; able to withstand great force or opposition; not easily damaged or overcome (strong material; strong faith; a strong character).
  2. (of a person's constitution) able to overcome, or not liable to, disease.
  3. (of a person's nerves) proof against fright, irritation, etc.
  4. (of a patient) restored to health.
  5. (of a market) having steadily high or rising prices.
  6. capable of exerting great force or of doing much; muscular, powerful.
  7. forceful or powerful in effect (a strong wind; a strong protest).
  8. decided or firmly held (a strong suspicion; strong views).
  9. (of an argument etc.) convincing or striking.
  10. powerfully affecting the senses or emotions (a strong light; strong acting).
  11. powerful in terms of size or numbers or quality (a strong army).
  12. capable of doing much when united (a strong combination).
  13. formidable; likely to succeed (a strong candidate).
  14. (of a solution or drink etc.) containing a large proportion of a substance in water or another solvent (strong tea).
  15. Chem. (of an acid or base) fully ionized into cations and anions in aqueous solution.
  16. (of a group) having a specified number (200 strong).
  17. (of a voice) loud or penetrating.
  18. (of food or its flavour) pungent.
  19. (of a person's breath) ill-smelling.
  20. (of a literary style) vivid and terse.
  21. (of a measure) drastic.
  22. Gram. in Germanic languages: a (of a verb) forming inflections by change of vowel within the stem rather than by the addition of a suffix (e.g. swim, swam). b (of a noun or adjective) belonging to a declension in which the stem originally ended otherwise than in -n (opp. WEAK 9).
--adv strongly (the tide is running strong).
Phrases and idioms
come it strong colloq. go to great lengths; use exaggeration. going strong colloq. continuing action vigorously; in good health or trim. strong-arm using force (strong-arm tactics). strong drink see DRINK. strong grade the stressed ablaut-form. strong interaction Physics interaction between certain elementary particles that is very strong but is effective only at short distances. strong language forceful language; swearing. strong meat a doctrine or action acceptable only to vigorous or instructed minds. strong-minded having determination. strong-mindedness determination. strong point
  1. a thing at which one excels.
  2. a specially fortified defensive position. strong stomach a stomach not easily affected by nausea.
strong suit
  1. a suit at cards in which one can take tricks.
  2. a thing at which one excels.
strongish adj. strongly adv.
Etymology: OE f. Gmc: cf. STRING




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