

单词 butt
释义 butt
v. & n.
  1. tr. & intr. push with the head or horns.
  2. a intr. (usu. foll. by against, upon) come with one end flat against, meet end to end with, abut. b tr. (usu. foll. by against) place (timber etc.) with the end flat against a wall etc.
  1. a push with the head.
  2. a join of two edges.
Phrases and idioms
butt in interrupt, meddle.
Etymology: ME f. AF buter, OF boter f. Gmc: infl. by BUTT(2) and ABUT
  1. (often foll. by of) an object (of ridicule etc.) (the butt of his jokes; made him their butt).
  2. a a mound behind a target. b (in pl.) a shooting-range. c a target.
  3. a grouse-shooter's stand screened by low turf or a stone wall.
Etymology: ME f. OF but goal, of unkn. orig.
  1. (also butt-end) the thicker end, esp. of a tool or a weapon (gun butt).
  2. a the stub of a cigar or a cigarette. b (also butt-end) a remnant (the butt of the evening).
  3. esp. US sl. the buttocks.
  4. (also butt-end) the square end of a plank meeting a similar end.
  5. the trunk of a tree, esp. the part just above the ground.
Phrases and idioms
butt weld a weld in which the pieces are joined end to end.
Etymology: Du. bot stumpy
n. a cask, esp. as a measure of wine or ale.
Etymology: AL butta, bota, AF but, f. OF bo(u)t f. LL buttis
n. a flat-fish (e.g. a sole, plaice, or turbot).
Etymology: MLG, MDu. but flat-fish




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