

单词 stomach
释义 stomach
n. & v.
  1. a the internal organ in which the first part of digestion occurs, being in man a pear-shaped enlargement of the alimentary canal linking the oesophagus to the small intestine. b any of several such organs in animals, esp. ruminants, in which there are four (cf. RUMEN, RETICULUM, OMASUM, ABOMASUM).
  2. a the belly, abdomen, or lower front of the body (pit of the stomach). b a protuberant belly (what a stomach he has got!).
  3. (usu. foll. by for) a an appetite (for food). b liking, readiness, or inclination (for controversy, conflict, danger, or an undertaking) (had no stomach for the fight).
  1. find sufficiently palatable to swallow or keep down.
  2. submit to or endure (an affront etc.) (usu. with neg.: cannot stomach it).
Phrases and idioms
muscular stomach any organ that grinds or squeezes to aid digestion, such as a gizzard. on an empty stomach not having eaten recently. on a full stomach soon after a large meal. stomach-ache a pain in the belly or bowels. stomach-pump a syringe for forcing liquid etc. into or out of the stomach. stomach-tube a tube introduced into the stomach via the gullet for cleansing or emptying it. stomach upset (or upset stomach) a temporary slight disorder of the digestive system.
stomachful n. (pl. -fuls). stomachless adj.
Etymology: ME stomak f. OF stomaque, estomac f. L stomachus f. Gk stomakhos gullet f. stoma mouth




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