

单词 wide
释义 wide
adj., adv., & n.
  1. a measuring much or more than other things of the same kind across or from side to side. b considerable; more than is needed (a wide margin).
  2. (following a measurement) in width (a metre wide).
  3. extending far; embracing much; of great extent (has a wide range; has wide experience; reached a wide public).
  4. not tight or close or restricted; loose.
  5. a free, liberal; unprejudiced (takes wide views). b not specialized; general.
  6. open to the full extent (staring with wide eyes).
  7. a (foll. by of) not within a reasonable distance of. b at a considerable distance from a point or mark.
  8. Brit. sl. shrewd; skilled in sharp practice (wide boy).
  9. (in comb.) extending over the whole of (nationwide).
  1. widely.
  2. to the full extent (wide awake).
  3. far from the target etc. (is shooting wide).
  1. Cricket a ball judged to pass the wicket beyond the batsman's reach and so scoring a run.
  2. (prec. by the) the wide world.
Phrases and idioms
give a wide berth to see BERTH. wide-angle (of a lens) having a short focal length and hence a field covering a wide angle. wide awake
  1. fully awake.
  2. colloq. wary, knowing.
wide ball Cricket (sense
  1. of n.). wide-eyed surprised or na{iuml}ve. wide of the mark see MARK(1). wide open (often foll. by to) exposed or vulnerable (to attack etc.). wide-ranging covering an extensive range. the wide world all the world great as it is.
wideness n. widish adj.
Etymology: OE wid (adj.), wide (adv.) f. Gmc




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