

单词 descend
释义 descend
  1. tr. & intr. go or come down (a hill, stairs, etc.).
  2. intr. (of a thing) sink, fall (rain descended heavily).
  3. intr. slope downwards, lie along a descending slope (fields descended to the beach).
  4. intr. (usu. foll. by on) a make a sudden attack. b make an unexpected and usu. unwelcome visit (hope they don't descend on us at the weekend).
  5. intr. (usu. foll. by from, to) (of property, qualities, rights, etc.) be passed by inheritance (the house descends from my grandmother; the property descended to me).
  6. intr. a sink in rank, quality, etc. b (foll. by to) degrade oneself morally to (an unworthy act) (descend to violence).
  7. intr. Mus. (of sound) become lower in pitch.
  8. intr. (usu. foll. by to) proceed (in discourse or writing): a in time (to a subsequent event etc.). b from the general (to the particular) (now let's descend to details).
  9. tr. go along (a river etc.) to the sea etc.
  10. intr. Printing (of a letter) have its tail below the line.
Phrases and idioms
be descended from have as an ancestor.
descendent adj.
Etymology: ME f. OF descendre f. L descendere (as DE-, scandere climb)




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