

单词 wear
释义 wear
v. & n.
--v (past wore; past part. worn)
  1. tr. have on one's person as clothing or an ornament etc. (is wearing shorts; wears earrings).
  2. tr. be dressed habitually in (wears green).
  3. tr. exhibit or present (a facial expression or appearance) (wore a frown; the day wore a different aspect).
  4. tr. Brit. colloq. (usu. with neg.) tolerate, accept (they won't wear that excuse).
  5. (often foll. by away) a tr. injure the surface of, or partly obliterate or alter, by rubbing, stress, or use. b intr. undergo such injury or change.
  6. tr. & intr. (foll. by off, away) rub or be rubbed off.
  7. tr. make (a hole etc.) by constant rubbing or dripping etc.
  8. tr. & intr. (often foll. by out) exhaust, tire or be tired.
  9. tr. (foll. by down) overcome by persistence.
  10. intr. a remain for a specified time in working order or a presentable state; last long. b (foll. by well, badly, etc.) endure continued use or life.
  11. a intr. (of time) pass, esp. tediously. b tr. pass (time) gradually away.
  12. tr. (of a ship) fly (a flag).
  1. the act of wearing or the state of being worn (suitable for informal wear).
  2. things worn; fashionable or suitable clothing (sportswear; footwear).
  3. (in full wear and tear) damage sustained from continuous use.
  4. the capacity for resisting wear and tear (still a great deal of wear left in it).
Phrases and idioms
in wear being regularly worn. wear one's heart on one's sleeve see HEART. wear off lose effectiveness or intensity. wear out
  1. use or be used until no longer usable.
  2. tire or be tired out. wear thin (of patience, excuses, etc.) begin to fail. wear the trousers see TROUSERS. wear (or wear one's years) well colloq. remain young-looking.
wearable adj. wearability n. wearer n. wearingly adv.
Etymology: OE werian f. Gmc
v. (past and past part. wore)
  1. tr. bring (a ship) about by turning its head away from the wind.
  2. intr. (of a ship) come about in this way (cf. TACK(1) v. 4).
Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn.




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