

单词 plead
释义 plead
v. (past and past part. pleaded or esp. US, Sc., & dial. pled)
  1. intr. (foll. by with) make an earnest appeal to.
  2. intr. Law address a lawcourt as an advocate on behalf of a party.
  3. tr. maintain (a cause) esp. in a lawcourt.
  4. tr. Law declare to be one's state as regards guilt in or responsibility for a crime (plead guilty; plead insanity).
  5. tr. offer or allege as an excuse (pleaded forgetfulness).
  6. intr. make an appeal or entreaty.
pleadable adj. pleader n. pleadingly adv.
Etymology: ME f. AF pleder, OF plaidier (as PLEA)




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