

单词 place
释义 place
n. & v.
  1. a a particular portion of space. b a portion of space occupied by a person or thing (it has changed its place). c a proper or natural position (he is out of his place; take your places).
  2. a city, town, village, etc. (was born in this place).
  3. a residence; a dwelling (has a place in the country; come round to my place).
  4. a a group of houses in a town etc., esp. a square. b a country house with its surroundings.
  5. a person's rank or status (know their place; a place in history).
  6. a space, esp. a seat, for a person (two places in the coach).
  7. a building or area for a specific purpose (place of worship; bathing-place).
  8. a a point reached in a book etc. (lost my place). b a passage in a book.
  9. a particular spot on a surface, esp. of the skin (a sore place on his wrist).
  10. a employment or office, esp. government employment (lost his place at the Ministry). b the duties or entitlements of office etc. (is his place to hire staff).
  11. a position as a member of a team, a student in a college, etc.
  12. Brit. any of the first three or sometimes four positions in a race, esp. other than the winner (backed it for a place).
  13. the position of a figure in a series indicated in decimal or similar notation (calculated to 50 decimal places).
  1. put (a thing etc.) in a particular place or state; arrange.
  2. identify, classify, or remember correctly (cannot place him).
  3. assign to a particular place; locate.
  4. a appoint (a person, esp. a member of the clergy) to a post. b find a situation, living, etc. for. c (usu. foll. by with) consign to a person's care etc. (placed her with her aunt).
  5. assign rank, importance, or worth to (place him among the best teachers).
  6. a dispose of (goods) to a customer. b make (an order for goods etc.).
  7. (often foll. by in, on, etc.) have (confidence etc.).
  8. invest (money).
  9. Brit. state the position of (any of the first three or sometimes four runners) in a race.
  10. tr. (as placed adj.) a Brit. among the first three or sometimes four in a race. b US second in a race.
  11. Football get (a goal) by a place-kick.
Phrases and idioms
all over the place in disorder; chaotic. give place to
  1. make room for.
  2. yield precedence to.
  3. be succeeded by. go places colloq. be successful. in place in the right position; suitable. in place of in exchange for; instead of. in places at some places or in some parts, but not others. keep a person in his or her place suppress a person's pretensions.
out of place
  1. in the wrong position.
  2. unsuitable.
  1. Brit. a bet on a horse to come first, second, third, or sometimes fourth in a race.
  2. US a bet on a horse to come second. place-brick an imperfectly burnt brick from the windward side of the kiln. place card a card marking a person's place at a table etc. place in the sun a favourable situation, position, etc. place-kick Football a kick made when the ball is previously placed on the ground. place-mat a small mat on a table underneath a person's plate. place-name the name of a town, village, hill, field, lake, etc. place-setting a set of plates, cutlery, etc. for one person at a meal. put oneself in another's place imagine oneself in another's position. put a person in his or her place deflate or humiliate a person. take place occur. take one's place go to one's correct position, be seated, etc. take the place of be substituted for; replace.
placeless adj. placement n.
Etymology: ME f. OF f. L platea f. Gk plateia (hodos) broad (way)




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