

单词 full
释义 full
adj., adv., n., & v.
  1. (often foll. by of) holding all its limits will allow (the bucket is full; full of water).
  2. having eaten to one's limits or satisfaction.
  3. abundant, copious, satisfying, sufficient (a full programme of events; led a full life; turned it to full account; give full details; the book is very full on this point).
  4. (foll. by of) having or holding an abundance of, showing marked signs of (full of vitality; full of interest; full of mistakes).
  5. (foll. by of) a engrossed in thinking about (full of himself; full of his work). b unable to refrain from talking about (full of the news).
  6. a complete, perfect, reaching the specified or usual or utmost limit (full membership; full daylight; waited a full hour; it was full summer; in full bloom). b Bookbinding used for the entire cover (full leather).
  7. a (of tone or colour) deep and clear, mellow. b (of light) intense. c (of motion etc.) vigorous (a full pulse; at full gallop).
  8. plump, rounded, protuberant (a full figure).
  9. (of clothes) made of much material arranged in folds or gathers.
  10. (of the heart etc.) overcharged with emotion.
  11. sl. drunk.
  12. (foll. by of) archaic having had plenty of (full of years and honours).
  1. very (you know full well).
  2. quite, fully (full six miles; full ripe).
  3. exactly (hit him full on the nose).
  4. more than sufficiently (full early).
  1. height, acme (season is past the full).
  2. the state or time of full moon.
  3. the whole (cannot tell you the full of it).
--vintr. & tr. be or become or make (esp. clothes) full.
Phrases and idioms
at full length
  1. lying stretched out.
  2. without abridgement. come full circle see CIRCLE. full age adult status (esp. with ref. to legal rights and duties). full and by Naut. close-hauled but with sails filling. full back a defensive player, or a position near the goal, in football, hockey, etc. full blood pure descent.
  1. vigorous, hearty, sensual.
  2. not hybrid. full-bloodedly forcefully, wholeheartedly. full-bloodedness being full-blooded. full-blown fully developed, complete, (of flowers) quite open. full board provision of accommodation and all meals at a hotel etc. full-bodied rich in quality, tone, etc. full-bottomed (of a wig) long at the back. full brother a brother born of the same parents. full-cream of or made from unskimmed milk. full dress formal clothes worn on great occasions. full-dress adj. (of a debate etc.) of major importance.
full employment
  1. the condition in which there is no idle capital or labour of any kind that is in demand.
  2. the condition in which virtually all who are able and willing to work are employed. full face with all the face visible to the spectator. full-fashioned = fully-fashioned. full-fledged mature.
  1. (of nudity or a nude figure) with full exposure at the front.
  2. unrestrained, explicit; with nothing concealed. full-grown having reached maturity. full hand Poker a hand with three of a kind and a pair. full-hearted full of feeling; confident, zealous. full-heartedly in a full-hearted manner. full-heartedness fullness of feeling, ardour, zeal.
full house
  1. a maximum or large attendance at a theatre, in Parliament, etc.
  2. = full hand.
  1. not shortened or abbreviated.
  2. (of a mirror, portrait, etc.) showing the whole height of the human figure. full lock see LOCK(1). full marks the maximum award in an examination, in assessment of a person, etc. full measure not less than the professed amount.
full moon
  1. the moon with its whole disc illuminated.
  2. the time when this occurs.
  1. (of cattle or sheep) having a full set of teeth.
  2. (of a dog) baying loudly.
  3. (of oratory etc.) sonorous, vigorous.
full out
  1. Printing flush with the margin.
  2. at full power.
  3. complete. full page an entire page of a newspaper etc. full pitch = full toss. full point = full stop 1. full professor a professor of the highest grade in a university etc. full-scale not reduced in size, complete. full score Mus. a score giving the parts for all performers on separate staves. full service a church service performed by a choir without solos, or performed with music wherever possible. full sister a sister born of the same parents. full speed (or steam) ahead! an order to proceed at maximum speed or to pursue a course of action energetically.
full stop
  1. a punctuation mark (.) used at the end of a sentence or an abbreviation.
  2. a complete cessation. full term the completion of a normal pregnancy. full tilt see TILT.
full time
  1. the total normal duration of work etc.
  2. the end of a football etc. match. full-time adj. occupying or using the whole of the available working time. full-timer a person who does a full-time job. full toss Cricket n. a ball pitched right up to the batsman.
--adv without the ball's having touched the ground. full up colloq. completely full. in full
  1. without abridgement.
  2. to or for the full amount (paid in full). in full swing at the height of activity. in full view entirely visible. on a full stomach see STOMACH. to the full to the utmost extent.
Etymology: OE f. Gmc
v.tr. cleanse and thicken (cloth).
Etymology: ME, back-form. f. FULLER(1): cf. OF fouler (FOIL(1))




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