

单词 blind
释义 blind
adj., v., n., & adv.
  1. lacking the power of sight.
  2. a without foresight, discernment, intellectual perception, or adequate information (blind effort). b (often foll. by to) unwilling or unable to appreciate (a factor, circumstance, etc.) (blind to argument).
  3. not governed by purpose or reason (blind forces).
  4. reckless (blind hitting).
  5. a concealed (blind ditch). b (of a door, window, etc.) walled up. c closed at one end.
  6. Aeron. (of flying) without direct observation, using instruments only.
  7. Cookery (of a flan case, pie base, etc.) baked without a filling.
  8. sl. drunk.
  1. tr. deprive of sight, permanently or temporarily (blinded by tears).
  2. tr. (often foll. by to) rob of judgement; deceive (blinded them to the danger).
  3. intr. sl. go very fast and dangerously, esp. in a motor vehicle.
  1. a a screen for a window, esp. on a roller, or with slats (roller blind; Venetian blind). b an awning over a shop window.
  2. a something designed or used to hide the truth; a pretext. b a legitimate business concealing a criminal enterprise (he's a spy, and his job is just a blind).
  3. any obstruction to sight or light.
  4. Brit. sl. a heavy drinking-bout.
  5. Cards a stake put up by a poker player before the cards dealt are seen.
  6. US = HIDE(1) n.
--adv blindly (fly blind; bake it blind).
Phrases and idioms
blind alley
  1. a cul-de-sac.
  2. a course of action leading nowhere. blind as a bat completely blind. blind coal coal burning without a flame. blind corner a corner round which a motorist etc. cannot see.
blind date
  1. a social engagement between a man and a woman who have not previously met.
  2. either of the couple on a blind date. blind drunk extremely drunk. blind gut the caecum. blind man's buff a game in which a blindfold player tries to catch others while being pushed about by them. blind side a direction in which one cannot see the approach of danger etc.
blind spot
  1. Anat. the point of entry of the optic nerve on the retina, insensitive to light.
  2. an area in which a person lacks understanding or impartiality.
  3. a point of unusually weak radio reception. blind stamping (or tooling) embossing a book cover without the use of colour or gold leaf. blind-stitch n. sewing visible on one side only.
--vtr. & intr. sew with this stitch. blind to incapable of appreciating. blind with science overawe with a display of (often spurious) knowledge. go it blind act recklessly or without proper consideration. not a blind bit of (or not a blind) sl. not the slightest; not a single (took not a blind bit of notice; not a blind word out of him). turn a (or one's) blind eye to pretend not to notice.
blindly adv. blindness n.
Etymology: OE f. Gmc




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