

单词 blaze
释义 blaze
n. & v.
  1. a bright flame or fire.
  2. a a bright glaring light; the sun set in a blaze of orange. b a full light (a blaze of publicity).
  3. a violent outburst (of passion etc.) (a blaze of patriotic fervour).
  4. a a glow of colour (roses were a blaze of scarlet). b a bright display (a blaze of glory).
  1. burn with a bright flame.
  2. be brilliantly lighted.
  3. be consumed with anger, excitement, etc.
  4. a show bright colours (blazing with jewels). b emit light (stars blazing).
Phrases and idioms
blaze away (often foll. by at)
  1. fire continuously with rifles etc.
  2. work enthusiastically.
blaze up
  1. burst into flame.
  2. burst out in anger.
like blazes sl.
  1. with great energy.
  2. very fast. what the blazes! sl. what the hell!
blazingly adv.
Etymology: OE bl{aelig}se torch, f. Gmc: ult. rel. to BLAZE(2)
n. & v.
  1. a white mark on an animal's face.
  2. a mark made on a tree by slashing the bark esp. to mark a route.
--vtr. mark (a tree or a path) by chipping bark.
Phrases and idioms
blaze a trail
  1. mark out a path or route.
  2. be the first to do, invent, or study something; pioneer.
Etymology: 17th c.: ult. rel. to BLAZE(1)
v.tr. proclaim as with a trumpet.
Phrases and idioms
blaze abroad spread (news) about.
Etymology: ME f. LG or Du. blazen blow, f. Gmc bl{aelig}san




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