

单词 rest
释义 rest
v. & n.
  1. intr. cease, abstain, or be relieved from exertion, action, movement, or employment; be tranquil.
  2. intr. be still or asleep, esp. to refresh oneself or recover strength.
  3. tr. give relief or repose to; allow to rest (a chair to rest my legs).
  4. intr. (foll. by on, upon, against) lie on; be supported by; be spread out on; be propped against.
  5. intr. (foll. by on, upon) depend, be based, or rely on.
  6. intr. (foll. by on, upon) (of a look) alight or be steadily directed on.
  7. tr. (foll. by on, upon) place for support or foundation.
  8. intr. (of a problem or subject) be left without further investigation or discussion (let the matter rest).
  9. intr. a lie in death. b (foll. by in) lie buried in (a churchyard etc.).
  10. tr. (as rested adj.) refreshed or reinvigorated by resting.
  11. intr. US conclude the calling of witnesses in a law case (the prosecution rests).
  12. intr. (of land) lie fallow.
  13. intr. (foll. by in) repose trust in (am content to rest in God).
  1. repose or sleep, esp. in bed at night (get a good night's rest).
  2. freedom from or the cessation of exertion, worry, activity, etc. (give the subject a rest).
  3. a period of resting (take a 15-minute rest).
  4. a support or prop for holding or steadying something.
  5. Mus. a an interval of silence of a specified duration. b the sign denoting this.
  6. a place of resting or abiding, esp. a lodging place or shelter provided for sailors, cabmen, etc.
  7. a pause in elocution.
  8. a caesura in verse.
Phrases and idioms
at rest not moving; not agitated or troubled; dead. be resting Brit. euphem. (of an actor) be out of work. rest-baulk a ridge left unploughed between furrows. rest one's case conclude one's argument etc. rest-cure a rest usu. of some weeks as a medical treatment. rest-day
  1. a day spent in rest.
  2. = day of rest. rest (or God rest) his (or her) soul may God grant his (or her) soul repose. rest-home a place where old or frail people can be cared for. rest-house Ind. a house for travellers to rest in. resting-place a place provided or used for resting. rest mass Physics the mass of a body when at rest. rest on one's laurels see LAUREL. rest on one's oars see OAR. rest room esp. US a public lavatory in a factory, shop, etc. rest up US rest oneself thoroughly. set at rest settle or relieve (a question, a person's mind, etc.).
rester n.
Etymology: OE r{aelig}st, rest (n.), r{aelig}stan, restan (v.)
n. & v.
--n (prec. by the)
  1. the remaining part or parts; the others; the remainder of some quantity or number (finish what you can and leave the rest).
  2. Brit. Econ. the reserve fund, esp. of the Bank of England.
  3. hist. a rally in tennis.
  1. remain in a specified state (rest assured).
  2. (foll. by with) be left in the hands or charge of (the final arrangements rest with you).
Phrases and idioms
and all the rest (or the rest of it) and all else that might be mentioned; etcetera. for the rest as regards anything else.
Etymology: ME f. OF reste rester f. L restare (as RE-, stare stand)




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