

单词 scowl
释义 scowl
 —scowler,  n.   —scowlful,  adj.   —scowlingly,  adv.  
 /skowl/,  v.i.  
  1. to draw down or contract the brows in a sullen, displeased, or angry manner.
  2. to have a gloomy or threatening look.
  3. to affect or express with a scowl.
  4. a scowling expression, look, or aspect.
 [1300-50; ME scoulen (v.); perh. < Scand; cf. Dan skule to scowl, Norw skule to look furtively, though these may be < LG schulen to spy]
 Syn. 1. frown, lower, glare. 2. glower, gloom.




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