

单词 palfrey
释义 palfrey
 —palfreyed,  adj.  
 /pawl"free/,  n.  ,  pl.   palfreys.
  1. a riding horse, as distinguished from a war horse.
  2. a saddle horse particularly suitable for a woman.
 [1200-50; ME palefrei < OF < LL paraveredus post horse for byways, prob. lit., spare horse, equiv. to Gk para- PARA-1 + L veredus fast breed of horse < Gaulish < Celtic *woreidos ( > Welsh gorwydd horse, charger), equiv. to *wo- under ( < *upo-; cf. HYPO-) + *reid-, base of OIr réidid (he) rides, réid level, smooth, easy, Welsh rhwydd easy; see RIDE]




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