

单词 print
释义 print
 /print/,  v.t.  
  1. to produce (a text, picture, etc.) by applying inked types, plates, blocks, or the like, to paper or other material either by direct pressure or indirectly by offsetting an image onto an intermediate roller.
  2. to reproduce (a design or pattern) by engraving on a plate or block.
  3. to form a design or pattern upon, as by stamping with an engraved plate or block: to print calico.
  4. to cause (a manuscript, text, etc.) to be published in print.
  5. to write in letters like those commonly used in print: Print your name on these forms.
  6.  Computers.   to produce (data) in legible alphanumeric or graphic form.
  7. to indent or mark by pressing something into or upon (something).
  8. to produce or fix (an indentation, mark, etc.), as by pressure.
  9. to impress on the mind, memory, etc.
  10. to fingerprint.
  11. to apply (a thing) with pressure so as to leave an indentation, mark, etc.: The horses printed their hoofs on the wet grass.
  12.  Photog.   to produce a positive picture from (a negative) by the transmission of light.
  13. to take impressions from type, an engraved plate, etc., as in a press.
  14. to produce by means of a reproduction process: to print in color; to print unevenly.
  15. to make an image by means of ink, chemical action, etc., as type, engraved plates, etc.: This type is too worn to print cleanly.
  16. to write in characters such as are used in print: He'd rather print than use longhand.
  17. to follow the vocation of a printer.
  18. print in, Photog. See burn (def. 36).
  19. print out, Computers. to make a printout of.
  20. the state of being printed.
  21. printed lettering, esp. with reference to character, style, or size: This print is too large for footnotes.
  22. printed material.
  23. a printed publication, as a newspaper or magazine.
  24. newsprint.
  25. a picture, design, or the like, printed from an engraved or otherwise prepared block, plate, etc.
  26. an indentation, mark, etc., made by the pressure of one body or thing on another.
  27. something with which an impression is made; a stamp or die.
  28. a fingerprint.
  29.  Textiles.  
   a. a design or pattern on cloth made by dyeing, weaving, or printing with engraved rollers, blocks of wood, stencils, etc.
   b. a cloth so treated.
   c. an article of apparel made of this cloth.
  30. something that has been subjected to impression, as a pat of butter.
  31.  Photog.   a picture, esp. a positive made from a negative.
  32. any reproduced image, as a blueprint.
  33.  Motion Pictures  ,  Television.   a positive copy of a completed film or filmed program ready for showing; release print.
  34. in print,
   a. in printed form; published.
   b. (of a book or the like) still available for purchase from the publisher.
  35. out of print, (of a book or the like) no longer available for purchase from the publisher.
  36. of, for, or comprising newspapers and magazines: print media.
 [1250-1300; (n.) ME prent(e), print(e), prient(e) < OF priente impression, print, n. use of fem. ptp. of preindre to PRESS1 < L premere; (v.) ME prenten, deriv. of the n.]




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