

单词 abandon
释义 abandon
 —abandonable,  adj.   —abandoner,  n.   —abandonment,  n.  
 /euh ban"deuhn/,  v.t.  
  1. to leave completely and finally; forsake utterly; desert: to abandon one's farm; to abandon a child; to abandon a sinking ship.
  2. to give up; discontinue; withdraw from: to abandon a research project; to abandon hopes for a stage career.
  3. to give up the control of: to abandon a city to an enemy army.
  4. to yield (oneself) without restraint or moderation; give (oneself) over to natural impulses, usually without self-control: to abandon oneself to grief.
  5.  Law.   to cast away, leave, or desert, as property or a child.
  6.  Insurance.   to relinquish (insured property) to the underwriter in case of partial loss, thus enabling the insured to claim a total loss.
  7.  Obs.   to banish.
 [1325-75; ME abando(u)nen < MF abandoner for OF (mettre) a bandon (put) under (someone's) jurisdiction, equiv. to a at, to ( < L ad; see AD-) + bandon < Gmc *band; see BOND1]
 Syn. 1. See desert2. 2. ABANDON, RELINQUISH, RENOUNCE mean to give up all concern in something. ABANDON means to give up or discontinue any further interest in something because of discouragement, weariness, distaste, or the like: to abandon one's efforts. RELINQUISH implies being or feeling compelled to give up something one would prefer to keep: to relinquish a long-cherished desire. RENOUNCE implies making (and perhaps formally stating) a voluntary decision to give something up: to renounce worldly pleasures. 3. yield, surrender, resign, waive, abdicate.
 Ant. 1. keep. 2. continue; begin, start. 3. retain.
 /euh ban"deuhn/,  n.  
 a complete surrender to natural impulses without restraint or moderation; freedom from inhibition or conventionality: to dance with reckless abandon.
 [1815-25; < F, n. deriv. of abandonner to ABANDON1]
 Ant. restraint, constraint.




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